FAQs & Resources


What Does “Vascular Disease” mean?

Vascular disease refers to any conditions that affect your circulatory system, or systems of blood vessels, including your arteries, veins, and lymph vessels. It can also include blood disorders that affect circulation.

What Causes Blood Vessels to Narrow?

A buildup of fatty deposits (plaque) causes arteries to narrow, a process known as atherosclerosis.

Is Vascular Disease Hereditary?

Vascular disease itself is not hereditary but some of the risk factors for the development of atherosclerosis have a genetic basis. So, in a way, vascular disease can be said to have an indirect genetic component.

How Serious is Vascular Surgery?

The severity of vascular procedures depends on the area of the body operated on and the specific vascular condition being treated. Overall, vascular surgery is safe and effective. That said, as with any surgery there are some risks associated. Your overall physical condition can also elevate or reduce the risk of complications from surgery.

Is Treatment Necessary for Varicose Veins?

All patients with spider veins, varicose veins and other forms of venous insufficiency should adopt and maintain a healthy lifestyle to help relieve symptoms and prevent further damage to veins and surrounding skin. While many people do not require treatment beyond regular exercise, weight control and graduated support stockings, some will choose additional treatments to improve appearance or relieve symptoms that might persist in spite of trying conservative therapy.

We do strongly recommend treatment for patients who have had or are at high risk of complications related to their varicose veins. These complications include superficial phlebitis, bleeding varicose veins and venous ulcers. Fortunately, these complications are quite rare.

What Treatment is Best for Spider and Varicose Veins?

The treatment for spider and varicose veins can include lifestyle changes, compression stockings, sclerotherapy for spider veins, and minimally invasive procedures like endovenous laser treatment (EVLT) or radiofrequency ablation (RFA) for varicose veins. Surgical options like vein stripping are reserved for severe cases. Consult a healthcare professional for personalized recommendations.

Will My Veins Come Back?

The likelihood of veins returning after treatment varies depending on the type of treatment used and individual factors. In some cases, new veins may develop over time. To minimize the risk of recurrence, it’s important to follow the advice of your healthcare provider, maintain a healthy lifestyle, and consider preventive measures like wearing compression stockings. Regular follow-up with your healthcare provider can help monitor and manage any potential vein issues.

Who Should Treat My Varicose Veins?

You should consult with a healthcare professional who specializes in the treatment of varicose veins. In most cases, this would be a vascular surgeon or a phlebologist (a doctor who specializes in vein diseases). They can evaluate your condition, recommend appropriate treatments, and provide guidance on the best course of action based on your individual circumstances. It’s important to seek expert medical advice for the proper assessment and management of varicose veins.

Book an Appointment With an Expert Today

This specific component should read “If you have varicose veins and would like to explore treatment options together, get in touch with one of our experts for a consultation.

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